Monday, April 9, 2012

Santorum's (Secret Chocolate) Blush - Yang Toy

Hello everyone!
Santorum's (Secret Chocolate) Blush here, and we're happy to show you our first Augmented Reality experience: "Whack-a Dumpster Baby!"Where the more you hit, the more they shit! (slogan not copywritten, please steal it. Seriously.)

We wanted to try and practice implementing some basic AR functionality, such as relative position to the game world, virtual buttons, and the most obvious- augmented assets! You score hits by standing in front of an open dumpster and slamming your hand on it, resecuring the baby inside!

Kevin Knight playing our "Smash" hit!

Screenshots to come.

1 comment:

  1. Nice mapping between smacking the virtual buttons and smacking the dumpster closed. Looks like the marker should be on a lazy susan Ior record player.
