Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Brian and Majdi Brainstorm

Coal Miner


In the Mountains of Radness

The game is one that uses marker interruption in order to work. The player places his hand, fingers, what have you, and it sends out ripples and creates mountains based around the object that is interrupting the image, based on the size of the interruption. When the player removes the object the mountains all fall back down flat.

On a Pedestal

The player selects a panoply of objects to set on a pedestal, these are things like gummy men, rock people and firebirds. The player then has a wand and selects what exactly the tip of the wand represents. This can be a sun, a freezing ball or a constant jet of rocks. The player takes the wand and brings it close to the creature on the pedestal who react to the object on the wand. Gummy Men melt under the sun, but the firebird bursts into more beauty as the sun wand is brought closer.

Deadly Roll

There is a ball that has a marker on it. Create structures in the augmented world. Roll the ball at the augmented world to destroy the structure. Somewhat like bowling but instead sitting down and rolling a ball to destroy an object. Hold the device in one hand and roll the ball with another.

The game makes the player a gaseous blob. The faster you rotate or move the device the more
the blob is distanced. The closer the individual pieces of the blob are the more damaging. Have a
small house with small cubes running around and destroy the town . If the gaseous blob has too
many parts that are far apart from one another the blob is diffused and destroyed and the player
must get the blob back together.


Kaiju Kazoo
The player holds up a kazoo and looks at the little hole that holds the wax paper. From that hole a little kaiju crawls out and a city springs up all along the kazoo. The player tilts the kazoo and the Kaiju rages across it, tearing it down, all the while making kazoo noises. If the kazoo is ever tilted too far to one side, the Kaiju rolls off and dies.

Plane Airbourne
One the map there are different classes of towns or areas. Choose plane, create a path on screen, or place a card at the destination to where you want the plane to go. Plane then takes path, then when ready, click to drop cargo.  The game would be something like the Red Cross:Video Game. Different supply needs would make the player choose which plane was suitable for the job or had correct supplies. The easiest path to the destination may have enemies in the way so a rethinking of the route may be in need. The correct cargo needs to be   to the correct destination.

You Won
You Lost

1 comment:

  1. These really build on the existing ideas we were kicking around in class. Going from goo/slime to gas makes sense, for example. Kaiju Kazoo is pure gold! That's the game.
