Saturday, May 19, 2012

More Kaiju Kazoo art

The modular skyscraper and the kaiju run models and texture are up on perforce, I'm going to keep adding textured stuff over the weekend like clouds, lights, street light, and building construction assets.

Also, I subdued the kaiju's colors to be more like the one in the concept art rather than the character sheet. 

As far as using the skyscraper, Joe made it modular, so you can stack parts and rotate them to get a different look (i.e. the plain floor has two ground floors, a mid floor with large windows, and a plain flat wall.More colors will be added later in addition to reversed normal models for the outline.

I.e. here's the four sides of the plain floor, just rotate it to what you want and the flatten it in unity to get the 2d with depth look.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Mechanice Opening Scenes DRAWOUT

Each side has a virtual button that reacts differently. (we can totally do other stuff like easter eggs on the faces we don't use for buttons).

When play is pressed, resume last puzzle or start the first if you haven't played before.

Cube freezes and breaks when exit is pressed.

On Credits, lots of little blocks come out with names/photos/roles on each little cube for credits.

Mechanice - Basic SlideMechanic SFX

This is a compilation of variations on the basic slide mechanic.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Kaiju Kazoo - Possible "Gameplay" and "Opening Screen?" Music

Let me know what you guys think, whether this is on the right track or not. Anything can be changed. And if you hate it from the get go, at least listen to the hand percussion part at 0:38, 'tis fun methinks.

AR mechanic videos

Here is the channel with all the ar videos of previous mechanics, if for some reason you don't enjoy my calming sexy jazzy voice then by all means mute it.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Purifice (working title) Prototype Video

Here it is! Recorded in class today,  we have a video of the prototype working with the cubes rotating around our multi-faced tracking object. After playing with the toy today, we realized we need to get a smaller cube to play with, but otherwise the toy was fun, responsive, and interesting to interact with!

Cube Art Vid

This is what I showed in class. Still some things that need adjusting specifically the level of transparency and getting the inside gears / objects to be more visible and distinct.

This looks really cool.

Kaiju Kazoo Art Priority List

Task List:
Listed in order of necessity.

1. Kaiju Animation
2. Buildings Textures / Models
3. Enemy
4. Kaiju Effects / Particles
5. Logo AR Marker
6. UI 7 digit scoreboard inside kazoo
7. Floating Score Points (destroyed buildings enemies)

BG textures
Street Lights
Light Sprites

Monday, May 14, 2012

Kaiju Kazoo Design Doc. v 1.2

Kaiju Kazoo
Game Design Document
v 1.0
Theme: A Kaiju comes out from the depths of Earth to destroy and rush through the upbeat, Japanese like city. The art style is cardboard paper cutouts with vibrant colors.
Beginning: When the player rotates the kazoo 360 degrees the game will initiate. The kaiju exits from the top of the Kazoo which represents his lair.
(have decided this is unneeded)
Movement ->Moving Kazoo "tilting left and right"
- The Kaiju will move in the direction of the kazoo's tilt. The more extreme the angle, the more extreme the velocity will increase.
- The faster you go, allows the player to destroy buildings at an easier rate. When the player destroys a building they gain points as well as growing larger.

First Level Buildings are worth 100 points.
Second level Buildings are worth 200 points
Third Level Buildings are worth 300 points.
Combo Multiplier:
When destroying multiple buildings in a set window of time players can get a score increase based on the amount of buildings destroyed Example: 1x normal rate 2x: double points 3x: triple points … Combo ends when buildings haven’t been destroyed in a set amount of time..
(this is the last implementation, if we have time this will be in)

- To increase the player’s health, which is represented as "size" the player must defeat the enemy tanks and knock over buildings. The Kaiju starts at 5 units his max is 10 units in height. Every building / enemy he destroys adds 1/2 a unit of height. If its Third Level Building then its a full unit of height.
-The player’s size decreases over time. The rate at which its size decreases is set by the amount of time elapsed. The first minute is 1 unit every 2 seconds. The second minute is 2 units every two seconds. The third minute is 3 units a second.
- Triceratops head on a wheel:
- Behavior is that of a tank. It spawns and picks a random direction of either left or right. After a given amount of time, the enemy will stop moving. A short timer will commence and while the timer > 0 stay still. When the timer < 0, reverse velocity and continue path. Repeat until death.
(should their path stop? this may make it too difficult to kill the enemy)

- When a enemy is destroyed the player’s health is increased by +250 points.
- When the player collides with enemy from back the enemy is destroyed. The players gets bigger by 1 unit.
- When the player collides with enemy from front, players size is reduced 1 unit and the  enemy is destroyed.
- Enemy spawn: Enemies spawn out of the ground in random positions at a random interval of (x).
Player death: All enemies disappear, player ends, and buildings appear at many positions. Must rotate object again to reinitialize game.
Pop, upbeat, kazoo, goofy

Charge Power : When the player has destroyed three, three level building, the charge power up is acquired. This power will start a invincible charge from the starting position all the way around the kazoo and ends at the starting position of the power up.

While in the power up the player is unable to control the kaiju and the kaiju is invincible to all damage. Whatever the player collides with in this mode, the player will destroy.